ABOUT US The Association "Grande Organo di Santa Rita" deals with the promotion and enhancement of the 1958 Tamburini organ, designed by the great organist Fernando Germani, which was originally installed in St. Mark's Basilica in Venice in the loggia behind the bronze horses, with the blessing of the Patriarch Card. Angelo Roncalli, who went on to become Pope and Saint John XXIII.
After its disassembly in 1994 it was assigned to the Parish of S. Rita in Mestre, which took care of its relocation and expansion.
The three-manuals console and all the phonic material were kept. The stops became 83 with about 4.500 pipes, many of which were newly manufactured; the facade with the chamade trumpets was made from scratch.
The first inaugural concerts were held in 2008, while the official inauguration took place on 26 September 2010 with the blessing of the Patriarch of Venice Card. Angelo Scola.
The Association was established on 22 January 2007. It is registered in the municipal register of cultural associations of the Municipality of Venice and, since 2012, in the social promotion associations of the Veneto Region. It is based in Mestre (VE) in Via Bellini 28, CAP 30171.
Since its foundation, the board and members meet regularly to plan and organize the concert activity. In the last ten years, we organised mode than 80 concerts with internationally renowned artists.
The President of the Association, and parish priest of Santa Rita da Cascia, is Don Marco Scaggiante.
The Artistic Director is Maestro Andrea Albertin.
Via Bellini 28, Mestre (VE)
Venezia Mestre - Italy